CORE Sports & Performance Bodywork - A 4-System Approach
This seminar will train and prepare practitioners to effectively treat the myofascial tissues of athletes engaged in high-level training and performance. Participants will learn about classical somatotypes and their performance qualities, including the somatotypes that are prevalent in endurance, power, sprint, and multi-skilled sports.
Myofascial treatment for the legs, hips, back, shoulders, chest, and neck will be taught in an integrated manner that includes bodyreading, region-specific protocols, and client-education strategies. The treatment protocols address both extrinsic and intrinsic tissues that are fundamental to optimal performance. Athletic clients will notice an improvement in structural balance, movement patterns and flexibility, while experiencing a decrease in acute and chronic pain.
CORE Sports & Performance Bodywork is taught in 2-day or 3-day formats. The 3-day format includes working with local elite athletes and performers on the final afternoon of the seminar.